Price range
From $0 per person
Upcoming Date
23 Dec 2024 - 31 Dec 2024
Tour Time
9 Days (Inc. Arv./Dpt.)


Unfold the classic sites including fun activities for all ages
The Israel story through food - Druze cooking workshop, market tasting tour and more
Kibbutz tour experience
Celebrate Hannukah in Israel
Experience Shabbat in Jerusalem as a community


1 - Monday ( December 23 ) : Shalom and welcome to Israel



  • Shalom! Morning arrival at Ben Gurion airport - After your arrival procedures you will meet your guide and driver at the airport and transfer to Tel Aviv.

  • Walk on the beach, feel the soft sand and appreciate the moment

  • Welcome and She'echeyanu at Ha'pisga Garden - With the beautiful view of the Old City, Mediterranean sea and Tel Aviv skyline - make a toast and embrace the moment of being together here in Israel. Get to know your group members, staff and introduction to your trip.

  • Tour the picturesque Old Jaffa - Jaffa is one of the most ancient port cities in Israel and the Mediterranean basin. Today Jaffa is a mixed city, where Jews and Arabs live alongside each other. Tel Aviv, Jaffa's younger sister, was established centuries later, in the year 1909, but the two were united into one municipality in 1949, yet each part kept its unique feel and atmosphere. Jaffa has been regenerated in recent years with the old narrow streets and courtyards becoming a highly popular part of Tel Aviv’s urban tapestry.

  • Israeli street food lunch

  • Check-in to the hotel

  • Walk along the Independence Trail - The trail was established in 2018 as a tribute to Israel's 70th anniversary, is a fascinating journey of Tel Aviv's foundation and the sites pivotal to the birth of Israel. Walk the paths of pioneers, witness architectural styles that tell the story of the city's development, and delve into Israel's struggle and triumph stories. The trail offers a profound insight into the nation's remarkable history.

  • Silent moving disco with Guru Zuzu - Dance your way through the streets of Tel Aviv!

  • Group welcome dinner at a local restaurant

  • Tel Aviv

Overnight: Tel Aviv
Meal Plan: lunch, welcome dinner

2 - Tuesday ( December 24 ) : Make a dream become true



  • Breakfast at the hotel

  • Drive to Rehovot and visit the Ayalon Institute - A clandestine ammunitions factory built in 1945 by the Haganah. In just three weeks, preparations for the factory were completed and it was code named the Ayalon Institute. Above ground, it appeared to be no more than a kibbutz. However, located eight meters below ground, this was the country's largest bullet factory. It has been said that the bullets manufactured at the Ayalon Institute played a crucial role in the success of the War of Independence.

  • Free time at The Carmel Marekt and Nachalat Binyamin Arts and Crafts Market - Enjoy time to explore the local artistic spirit in Nachalat Binyamin open-air market in the heart of Tel-Aviv. It has become synonymous with quality Israeli crafts and folk art. The market comprised over 100 stands representing specialty local crafts in virtually every medium imaginable: wood, stone, glass, ceramics, and various metals, all original and handmade. The unique architecture as well as the graffiti on the walls provide a perfect backdrop for the arts and crafts market.

  • Authentic lunch and a speaker at Battae Ethiopian Heritage Center - Battae Center is devoted to the preservation of Ethiopian culture. "We aim to be a positive force in this world. We tell the mystical story of a people returning home, a story of struggle and perseverance. A story of peoplehood that goes back thousands of years. We tell the story of our family and the story of the Jewish people, history from 2000 years of dispersion, to our miraculous ingathering back home, in Israel. And we tell this story from a very special, unique and often less-known the Ethiopian Jewish perspective."

  • Express yourself through a fun graffiti tour and workshop - A dynamic tour in the colorful neighborhood of Florentine, Tel Aviv’s most bohemian and upbeat neighborhood, and learn about contemporary Israeli culture through the art on the walls. Conclude your day with a fun graffiti workshop, and express your creativity and message.

  • Free evening and dinner on your own

  • Suggestion: go out to Jaffa clock Tower and Flea Market - See the Christmas decorations set up for the local Christian community, eat dinner at one of the local restaurants and feel the night festive atmosphere in Jaffa Flea Market. (meal and transfers are not included)

  • Tel Aviv

Overnight: Tel Aviv
Meal Plan: breakfast, lunch

3 - Wednesday ( December 25 ) : Cultural Mosaic



  • Breakfast at your hotel & check-out

  • Begin with a tour of the impressive Caesarea National Park - On the Mediterranean coast, Caesarea is one of Israel’s most impressive archeological sites. Explore the 2,000-year-old Roman theater, Crusader harbor and 12th-century ramparts. The city was initially built by King Herod in the 1st century BC, who dreamt of a major seaport to connect the Province of Judea with Rome. View the spectacular Roman amphitheater, still used today as a performance venue, as well as the hippodrome that held 20,000 spectators for chariot races.

  • Kfar Masaryk Kibbutz Experience - Begin with a lunch at the kibbutz dining room. Continue with an experiential tour and discover the Secrets of the Kibbutz Miracle-fascinating tours through kibbutz living. At the beautifully renovated original kibbutz buildings, visitors can get a glimpse of early 1940s kibbutz living – the pioneers (Halutzim), clothes, rooms, and pastime culture.

  • Druze home hospitality, cooking workshop and meal - Together with your hosts in their private home, prepare traditional Druze Galilean dishes and then enjoy the feast you create. Learn about Druze culture and history from your hosts and from the food you eat.

  • Travel to the hotel and check-in

  • North

Overnight: North
Meal Plan: breakfast, lunch, Druze cooking workshop and dinner

4 - Thursday ( December 26 ) : Abundance



  • Breakfast at your hotel

  • Begin your day with a refreshing hike in Banias Nature Reserve - Banias (in Hebrew: Hermon Stream), is one of Israel’s most beautiful nature reserves, and an essential source of water for the Jordan River. This hike is part of the Israel National Trail which traverses the country from North to South and has become a symbolic trek for nature and Israel lovers. Take a tranquil walk along the Suspended Trail, a boardwalk cantilevered out over the rushing crystal-clear waters. View the 10m Banias Waterfall - with its sheer, thundering drop into a deep pool surrounded by lush greenery vegetation.

  • Jeep off-road tour in the Galilee mountains - Take a fun and interesting jeep tour of Galilee with a local expert guide. While traversing the rich landscape, learn about the history, flora, and fauna of the area. Stop for a lookout over the border with Syria and Lebanon to get a better understanding of the geography and strategic role this region has for the State of Israel. Your local guide touches on the nuances of living so close to the northern border. During your tour you will meet soldiers guarding in one of the small towns on the border - greet and speak to them.

  • Lunch break on route - Meal not included.

  • Woodsong Harp Workshop - In Rosh Pina, enjoy a musical experience with harp maker Peter Isacowitz who founded Woodsong Harps and fulfilled his lifelong dream. In this musical workshop, Pete will play on and explain about the various instruments he built.

  • Dinner at the hotel dining room - (meal included)

  • Hannukah party - Light Hannukah candles, eat sweet sufgania and sing together. Conclude your day with a fun workshop. Go wild with your imagination and create your own little creature, animal, or bird from a large variety of materials from nature!

  • North

Overnight: North
Meal Plan: breakfast, dinner

5 - Friday ( December 27 ) : Galilean Spirit



  • Breakfast at the hotel & check-out

  • Visit Tzippori National Park - The town was once the capital of the Galilee, the seat of the Sanhedrin, and the place where the Mishna was completed. At Tzippori, view the ruins, visit the ancient synagogue, and admire the ancient mosaic floors to see how native species have been part of the national iconography for centuries. Imagine yourself in the seat of the early commentators and add your own commentary on the ancient text, in a Havruta learning. (the subject and sources will be prepared in advance)

  • In Kfar Kedem go back in time - Experience the lifestyle of our ancestors – dress like the Israelites, go on a fun donkey riding, Pita baking and a “Hafla” – authentic meal.

  • After lunch drive to Jerusalem

  • Welcome to Jerusalem - a magnificent lookout from Mt. Scopus - (in Hebrew: Har Hatzofim), is one of the tallest hills surrounding Jerusalem. The name “scopus” means a vantage point, and the lookout post on the edge of this hill is the place to go for the finest views of the Old City, the Dome of the Rock, and the sprawl of New Jerusalem.

  • Check-in to the hotel and get ready for Shabbat

  • Kabbalat Shabbat as a community overlooking the view of the Old City and the beautiful Yemin Moshe Neighberghood - Optional: add a musician for a musical Kabbalat Shabbat - not included in price / join a local community for their Shabbat evening services.

  • Shabbat dinner at the hotel - Optional: invite lone soldiers to join your community for dinner and share their stories.

  • Jerusalem

Overnight: Jerusalem
Meal Plan: breakfast, lunch, Shabbat dinner at the hotel

6 - Saturday ( December 28 ) : Shabbat Flavor



  • Breakfast at your hotel

  • Shabbat morning services with a local community (optional) - Suggested - meet Rabbi Tamar Elad-Applebaum at Kehilat Zion (depending on availability and not included)

  • Enjoy a relaxed free time - Time to meet relatives and friends. Optional for those who don't keep Shabbat: visit the Israel Museum and the Shrine of the Book.(Tickets and transfers are not included)

  • Guest speaker at the hotel or an activity led by the Rabbi and tour leaders - For example: a geo-political brief from an expert or a talk with an Israeli author (suitable for adults), Learning the Parasha together - hevrutah parents and kids, The Changing Map of the Middle East with Joe Perlov and other ideas that can be discussed.

  • Lunch on your own - (meal not included)

  • Afternoon tour of the picturesque Mishkenot sha'ananim and Yemin Moshe - Was the first Jewish neighborhood built outside the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem, on a hill directly across from Mount Zion and the Old City Walls. Built in 1859–1860, it was the first area of Jewish settlement in Jerusalem outside the Old City walls. Magical and mysterious Jerusalem has always attracted writers, poets, and intellectuals, who in their words made it Jerusalem of Gold. Walking tour of the early neighborhoods through the eyes and poetry of Yehuda Amichai and others.

  • Havdalah - farewell to the Shabbat

  • Group dinner at a local restaurant

  • Jerusalem

Overnight: Jerusalem
Meal Plan: breakfast, dinner

7 - Sunday ( December 29 ) : Desert Splendor



  • Early breakfast and drive to the Judean Desert

  • Tour Masada - Ascend the mountain by cable car to explore Masada fortress, combining natural beauty and deep meaning. Explore the impressive excavations that reveal secrets of daily life in the fortress, hear about the scene of the epic stand by Jewish rebels at the end of the Great Revolt against Rome on the 2nd Century, and how the site became one of Israel’s most important symbols. At the ancient synagogue have a special meeting with a scribe, see the unique artwork of writing a Torah, continuing what the Romans wanted to stop 2,000 years ago.

  • Optional add-on: Masada Adventure - Go on an exclusive adventure of Masada, a natural fortress combining natural beauty and deep meaning. Hike along a challenging pathway along Masada's cliffside, equipped with ladders and handholds, leading to archaeological wonders that have remained untouched due to their remote locations. Hear about the scene of the epic stand by Jewish rebels against Rome, and how the site became one of Israel’s most important symbols. Throughout your hike, you'll enjoy the inspiring vistas of the Judean Desert and the panoramic views of the Dead Sea. (All participants are securely harnessed and helmeted, tethered to a safety line throughout the journey.) Suitable for children aged 10 and above.

  • Ein Gedi Nature Hike - Nahal David beautiful desert oasis, is a spectacular water hike for all ages. Trails in a range of levels of difficulty take you alongside and through the cool, fresh waters, down waterfalls, along sheer cliffs, and past lush greenery and invasive species. According to tradition, David sought refuge from King Saul, and his courage and leadership are commemorated here. If you’re both quiet and lucky, you might even glimpse the sure-footed ibex and other local animals.

  • Picnic lunch - (meal included)

  • Dead Sea time to swim and float - At 1,300 feet below sea level, the Dead Sea is the lowest point on earth. Known in Hebrew as "The Sea of Salt", it is also one of the saltiest lakes in the world - with about 34.2% salinity.
    This is a stunning, other-worldly landscape of shimmering blue water ringed by bare, orange and yellow hills. The waters of the Dead Sea hold a potent solution of minerals and salts that have strong healing properties. Together with its ethereal beauty, these health-giving minerals make the Dead Sea’s beaches and spas popular vacation spots for Israelis and tourists alike.

  • Proceed back to Jerusalem

  • Free evening and dinner on your own

  • Jerusalem

Overnight: Jerusalem
Meal Plan: breakfast, lunch

8 - Monday ( December 30 ) : Memory and life



  • Breakfast at the hotel

  • Visit Yad Vashem Israel’s National Memorial to the Holocaust - Tour the outdoor commemorative sites to the darkest moment in world and Jewish history, including the powerful Children’s Memorial and the Avenue of the Righteous. From its dramatic structure designed by world-renowned architect Moshe Safdie – and which cuts through the mountain in the form of a spike – to its powerful Museum of Holocaust Art, Yad Vashem is an unforgettable place of tribute and remembrance.

  • Tasting tour in Machane Yehuda Market - After a meaningful morning focusing on our past, we will head to the present and experience the vibrant life of Jerusalem in the modern day. In the heart of the city, at a bustling multi-ethnic market bursting with life, immerse yourself in the world of Middle Eastern cuisine as you indulge in a tasting tour through the market. Learn about the market's rich history, and meet the vendors who bring this place to life. (the tastings will replace lunch)

  • Adults' dessert: Thinkers Distillery - "At Thinkers we maintain pace with all the new developments and painstakingly connect the old together with the new to fulfill our mission of taking spirits further. Our Jerusalem distillery is part research library, part chemistry lab, part advanced technology workshop, part mind and behavior study center, part design studio, and 100% passion. It’s not easy, but we will never put any product into a bottle unless we are convinced that is has been furthered in every way into the best in class."

  • Kids' dessert: local sweets, pastries and excellent ice cream at the market

  • Giving back - volunteer at Metzilot Mazon - The Jerusalem Food Rescuers, aims to create a more just and sustainable urban food system with less waste. Working with the wholesale market, they divert surplus produce that would have otherwise gone to waste and support communities that don’t have equitable access to food. Join them on their mission by sorting out fruit and vegetables that will be rescued and donated to the needy and get inspired to be more sustainable in your home.

  • Group dinner at Café Shalva - Shalva is a Jerusalem-based organization that provides services to individuals with special needs, from infancy to adulthood, empowering their families, and promoting social inclusion. Graduates of Shalva work at the café, and the café’s profits go back to the center to support its programs.

  • Jerusalem

Overnight: Jerusalem
Meal Plan: breakfast, dinner, Tasting tour lunch

9 - Tuesday ( December 31 ) : Jerusalem - the Heart of the Jewish People



  • Breakfast at the hotel & check-out

  • Shacharit and Hallel at Ezrat Yisrael - Start your last day of your Israel journey with Shacharit and Hallel prayers together as a community at the Egalitarian Kotel. Optional: Bar/Bat Mitzvah Ceremony and festive kiddush can be planned for this morning. (donation to the Masorti movement is not included)

  • Proceed to the Western Wall - (The Kotel), sacred to some because it is one of the last remnants of the Second Temple that was destroyed by the Romans. Feel the stones that have witnessed so much in the history of the Jews. Optional - take time to reflect and place your special and personal prayer in the cracks of the stones.

  • Tour of the Jewish Quarter - See archaeological finds from the First and Second Temple periods, Roman ruins, vibrant synagogues, and learning institutions, all jostling for space in these busy stone streets.

  • Lunch break at the Old City - (meal not included)

  • Closing session at Kol HaOt - Now is your opportunity to reflect on the time you’ve spent in Israel and to share the experiences, sites, and people you’ll want to remember most after you’ve returned home. With the "Kol HaOt" team, we will explore the personal meaning of Israel using colors and symbols to give ourselves and our fellow participants a visual picture of what this journey meant to us.

  • Time permitting: free time and break before dinner in downtown Jerusalem

  • Farewell group dinner and New Year's toast

  • Transfer to Ben Gurion Airport and fly back home

  • We look forward to hosting you again in our beautiful country!

Meal Plan: breakfast, farewell dinner


What is the best season to visit Israel?

May and October are considered the best times to visit Israel. These months offer fewer crowds, pleasant weather, and less unpredictability compared to summer and winter. Weekly weather forecast

Is there someone who can help me book my flight?

If you are looking for someone to assist you with flight bookings, please reach out to our travel partners at Traveland by sending an email to Eitan@traveland.net.

How much do I tip my driver and tour guide?

Standard tipping is as follows: For individuals/small groups (less than 10 people), it is recommended to tip your guide $15-$20 per person, per day. For the bus driver, the recommended amount is 60% of what you give your guide. For example, if you tip your guide $10 per person, per day, the driver should receive an additional $6 per person, per day. Tips are not included in the cost of a tour and are always at your discretion.

Terms of Payment

Deposit is due immediately to secure the booking.

Balance for the trip is due no later than 60 days prior to the first day of trip. An invoice will be sent 90 days before the trip.

Please refer to our full Terms and Conditions here.

Please note: 

  • The itinerary is subject to change as a result of unforeseen changes from suppliers, weather, etc.
  • This proposal is valid for 1 week for private clients and 10 days for groups. 


Cancellation Policy

Bookings can be cancelled within 48 hours AFTER REGISTRATION, with a full refund.

For cancellations made:

·         Up to 60 days prior to departure, any payments above the deposit towards the trip will be refunded. The deposit is non-refundable.

·         60-30 days prior to departure, 50% of the total tour cost per person will be refunded.

·         29-0 days prior to departure, the client will incur 100% of the cost of the tour.

All cancellation requests must be made in writing.


What’s Included
Hotel accommodation v
A private, licensed, English speaking tour guide v
Transportation throughout the trip to all programmed activities v
Meals as listed in the meal plan at the end of each day v
Bottles of water, as needed, and snacks v
Fees for sites and activities listed v
Optional and suggested activities v
Airfare v
Travel Insurance (recommended) v
Tips for tour guides and drivers v

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Early bird special - $200 off per person.

Available only between October 1-10, 2021!!

Registration for the trip will open on October 1. Fill out this form to be notified when registration for the trip opens, so you can take advantage of early bird special pricing!

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