Price range
From $0 per person
Upcoming Date
10 Nov 2024 - 17 Nov 2024
Tour Time
8 Days (Inc. Arv./Dpt.)


1 - Sunday ( November 10 ) : Welcome to Israel



  • VIP Arrival at Ben Gurion Airport - Your VIP fast track assistant will greet you at the sleeve of the plane. After assisting with arrival procedures and collecting your baggage, you will be taken to meet your driver.

  • Drive to Jerusalem's Haas Promenade - From the Haas Promenade take in a wide view of Jerusalem's Old and New Cities and the surrounding Judean Desert as far as the eye can see. See Jerusalem's complex geography, strategic setting, and beauty. Begin the conversation about Jerusalem's centrality to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

  • Walk along the Promenade until you arrive at Feel Beit - Feel Beit is a cultural home for creating art, expanding perspectives, and imagining new ways forward for Jerusalem. Experience "You Have Arrived Just in Time" a site-specific sound work that transports you into the world of deep listening. Put on your headphones, press PLAY, and let the narrator's voice guide you through the beauty and complexity of the surrounding landscape. Experience the meeting of external and internal, revealed and concealed, and an existing and evolving reality.

  • Coffee and cake at Feel Beit

  • Reporting on October 7 and after- Opening panel - Led by Jessica Steinberg, the culture editor at the Times of Israel, covering Israeli life, culture, food, travel and business, hear from leading journalists Tal Schneider and Haviv Rettig Gur on the responsibility of reporting on October 7 and the ensuing events. Haviv Gur is Senior analyst at The Times of Israel. Tal Schneider is Political Correspondent at The Times of Israel.

  • Dinner at Mona Restaurant - Mona restaurant is an elegant and relaxed Chef Bistro, nestled in an historic stone house in the heart of Jerusalem.

  • Isrotel Orient Jerusalem

Overnight: Isrotel Orient Jerusalem

2 - Monday ( November 11 ) : Jerusalem- Holy to All



  • Breakfast at the hotel

  • Begin the day with an overview of Jerusalem's history at the newly renovated and innovative Tower of David Museum - The museum has pioneered the use of new and interactive digital technologies, games, and virtualizations that add a new dimension to understanding the site itself and Jerusalem as a whole, emphasizing the importance of Jerusalem to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Climb up to a magnificent lookout to enjoy a bird's eye view of the Old City and the New City spreading on the surrounding hills outside the Walls. This is a great introduction to what you will see in the rest of the day.

  • Overlook the Old City from the Tower of David

  • Tour Jerusalem’s Old City and meet the people and places that make this place so unique - Explore Jewish history in the Jewish Quarter, spanning from the First Temple era to the present. Visit the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in the Christian Quarter and, conditions permitting, visit the Temple Mount, a significant Muslim site. Delve into the complexity of a city sacred to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

  • Lunch will be provided

  • At the Knesset, meet Knesset Members - The Knesset, Israel's parliament, was named after “Haknesset Hagedolah,” the Great Assembly of the Second Temple period. Today it stands as a symbol of both Jewish sovereignty and dedication to democracy. In lively, often heated, debates, its 120 elected members reflect the divergence of Israeli public opinion, legislate and oversee the workings of the government.

  • Tasting at Thinkers Distillery - "At Thinkers we maintain pace with all the new developments and painstakingly connect the old together with the new to fulfill our mission of taking spirits further. Our Jerusalem distillery is part research library, part chemistry lab, part advanced technology workshop, part mind and behavior study center, part design studio, and 100% passion. It’s not easy, but we will never put any product into a bottle unless we are convinced that is has been furthered in every way into the best in class."

  • Dinner at Hatzot restaurant - Hatzot is a part of Jerusalem’s history. Two brothers, Abraham and Michael Ajami founded this landmark family restaurant in 1970. Legend has it that Meurav Yerushalmi - the favorite Israeli mixed grill dish - was born at Hatzot Restaurant.

  • Isrotel Orient Jerusalem

Overnight: Isrotel Orient Jerusalem

3 - Tuesday ( November 12 ) : Telling the Story, Preserving the Memory



  • Breakfast at the hotel

  • Meet President Isaac Herzog at The President's House - Isaac "Bougie" Herzog is an Israeli politician who has been serving since 2021 as the 11th president of Israel. He is the first president to be born in Israel after its Declaration of Independence.

  • Private Tour of Yad Vashem - Visit the museum at Yad Vashem, Israel’s National Memorial to the Holocaust. Tour this memorial to the darkest moment in the world and Jewish history, its children’s memorial, and exquisite gardens. Yad Vashem is an unforgettable place of tribute and remembrance. You'll be guided by a member of the Yad Vashem staff.

  • Lunch

  • Drive to Tel Aviv

  • From the helicopter pad of the Azrieli Tower, lookout over Tel Aviv

  • A Vision for Tel Aviv- Meet Dana Azrieli, leader of the Azrieli Foundation - Azrieli Foundation Israel is a registered Israeli non-profit organization (amutah) that is dedicated to strengthening Israeli society by advancing initiatives in the fields of education, medical and scientific research, community, welfare, arts and culture.

  • Check into the hotel

  • Dinner on your own - Dinner on your own - enjoy an evening at leisure and dinner at a local restaurant, we will be happy to make restaurant recommendations and reservations. (meal and transfers are not included)

  • Isrotel Royal Beach Tel Aviv

Overnight: Isrotel Royal Beach Tel Aviv

4 - Wednesday ( November 13 ) : Innovators and Changemakers



  • Breakfast at the hotel

  • Meet Dr. Ilana Kwartin at The Healing Space - The Healing Space is an emergency mental health facility that was established during the war in response to the need for care for thousands of traumatized young people at music festivals around the Gaza Strip. Led by Lia Naor, Ph.D., numerous caregivers volunteered, including psychologists, psychiatrists, clinical social workers, psychotherapists, and certified clinical instructors. Within a few days, a new model for initial mental assistance was developed, offering a holistic, integrative, and community-based approach.

  • OR Start-Up Nation Central - Start-Up Nation Central is an independent non-profit that builds bridges to Israeli innovation. They connect business, government, and NGO leaders from around the world with Israeli innovation, offering Israeli innovators access to high-potential and previously inaccessible markets, through highly customized business engagements, and through Start-Up Nation Finder – an easy to use, up-to-date, free online platform for discovering and connecting with the thousands of relevant innovators.

  • Continue to Brothers For Life - Brothers for Life is devoted to ensuring that every wounded combat soldier receives the care and support needed to ensure his/her return to a fulfilling and contributive life. Meet staff members and clients and join them for lunch at their center. Brothers for Life was created by and is run by injured Israeli veterans, and gives critical and immediate help to other injured Israeli combat veterans who sacrificed their lives for the safety of the Israel's citizens.

  • Lunch with soldiers at Brothers For Life

  • From Vision to Reality. Welcome to Ariel Sharon Park - Visit a remarkable urban nature reserve in Tel Aviv, Israel. Encounter lush green spaces, meandering trails, and scenic viewpoints that offer breathtaking panoramas. Learn about the park's history, its ecological restoration efforts, and the importance of preserving and protecting urban biodiversity.

  • Dinner meeting with Dr. Nir Tsuk at Malka Restaurant - Malka is not only an excellent place to eat, the restaurant works with Elem, an association training youth at risk to work in the restaurant industry.

    Dr. Nir Tsuk is a seasoned practitioner, academic and facilitator with over 25 years of international experience in the fields of social capital, entrepreneurship and culture of innovation. Serving as a Visiting Professor of Entrepreneurship at University of Osaka, and New York University’s Global Distinguished Scholar, Nir is the founder NYU’s of Institute for Impact and Intrapreneurship.

  • Dr. Nir Tsuk "Adaptive Innovation in Times of Disruption" - The notions of entrepreneurship and innovation have been the ‘flavor of the month’ for quite some time now: creating new solutions to problems, promoting systemic chance and thinking (and doing) out of the box are the zeitgeist for at least a decade in many fields, industries and corporations. As if to validate the famous saying that “the only constant is of change” – came the virus and then the recent war (and climate change, and economics, etc) and shook our realities dramatically. The workshop will introduce key concepts in entrepreneurship, share relevant examples – and provide insights on how to promote change inside organizations and discuss unique Israeli situation on these fronts and its relevance to the world in general and Australia in particular

  • Isrotel Royal Beach Tel Aviv

Overnight: Isrotel Royal Beach Tel Aviv

5 - Thursday ( November 14 ) : Bearing Witness in the Gaza Envelope



  • Breakfast at the hotel

  • Depart Tel Aviv and drive to the Negev Desert

  • Building Leadership- Begin at the Desert Stars Center - Meet youth who are part of the Desert Stars Program which is building a generation of Bedouin leaders to promote a thriving Bedouin community and a strong Israeli society. The project empowers mission-driven teens and young adults to realize their individual and collective potential as change-making leaders.

  • Lunch at the home of Osi Lankri - Recognized as one of Ofakim's "Culinary Queens," Osi invites you to savor a home-cooked meal in her beautiful home. While enjoying the culinary experience, listen to her personal stories about life in the Envelope, her birthplace and hometown. Gain insights into how the October 7th attack affected her home, family, and neighborhood.

  • Geopolitical Tour of the Gaza Envelope Area with Lianne Pollak-David - "In light of the Iron Swords War: Israel’s geopolitical environment - risks, opportunities and implications for the future.” Lianne Pollack-David is Lianne-Pollak-David is a strategic advisor at Forum Dvora, a regular panelist on Channel 11, 12 & 13 - Israeli news programs, and former Israeli PM’s Office, Former NSC staff member and negotiation team with the Palestinians Pollack-David will analyze the evolving geopolitical environment surrounding Israel in light of the Iron Swords War, focus on the various players, their interests, and the risks and opportunities of the current regional map, reflect on what has changed in this space in the aftermath of October 7th Massacre and after the Iranian attack on April 14th and analyze the implications for Israel’s national security and what role can its allies play in this new environment.

  • Stop at the Sderot, Tkuma, and Reim sites - At the Nova Festival memorial site at Re'im Forest, stop and bear witness to the tragedy of the Nova Festival. In Sderot hear the story of the police station.

  • Shuva Achim Hospitality tent - What started as a field hospital at the beginning of the war in Moshav Shuva, turned into an incredible refreshment spot for soldiers, where they give out clothes, goodies and hot meals to the soldiers serving the in the Gaza Envelope. The name "Shuva Achim" means in Hebrew return brothers (and sisters) - praying that all soldiers will return home peacefully. You will help with what is needed, meet soldiers for a casual talk and show your appreciation.

  • Return to Tel Aviv

  • Dinner on your own

  • Isrotel Royal Beach Tel Aviv

Overnight: Isrotel Royal Beach Tel Aviv

6 - Friday ( November 15 ) : Layers of Culture and History



  • Breakfast at the hotel

  • Tour Caesarea National Park - On the Mediterranean coast, Caesarea National Park is one of Israel’s most impressive archeological sites. Explore the 2,000-year-old Roman theater, Crusader harbor and 12th-century ramparts. The city was initially built by King Herod in the 1st century BC, who dreamt of a major seaport to connect the Province of Judea with Rome. View the spectacular Roman amphitheater, still used today as a performance venue, as well as the hippodrome that held 20,000 spectators for chariot races.

  • Kibbutz Magal Agritour - Visit Netafim, the world-renowned agricultural entrepreneurship (irrigation methods) and Kibbutz Magal’s development of its olive and almond agricultural and production center, a global leader in quality and health. While touring the greenhouses, you will hear from experts on the growing process and Israeli agri-tech solutions, then you will taste a variety of excellent olive oils.

  • In a private home, enjoy a Druze Lunch - Get to know your hosts and their culture and history. Hear about the strong bond between the Druze community to the State of Israel and their contribution to the IDF. Dinner is included.

  • Return to Tel Aviv and have free time

  • Shabbat Dinner with MINYAN TLV - MINYAN is a vision for a new kind of Jewish life in Israel; woven from the audacity of our generation's creative leaders and the mysticism, warmth, and wisdom of Jewish tradition. We collaborate with artists, designers, writers, musicians, and creators of many shapes and forms to re-imagine and reclaim Jewish life . We believe in opening hearts and minds and sanctify "both/and:" tradition and change, the visceral and the ethereal, the sacred and the day-to-day.

  • Isrotel Royal Beach Tel Aviv

Overnight: Isrotel Royal Beach Tel Aviv

7 - Saturday ( November 16 ) : Personal and Collective Stories



  • Breakfast at the hotel

  • Visit ANU, the Museum of the Jewish People, for a special program curated for your group - The newly re-imagined ANU Museum of the Jewish People tells the story of the Jewish people through the generations and up to the present time. Dive into this dynamic and interactive experience that represents all parts of the Jewish people and highlights the creative works and cultural riches of a variety of communities throughout different periods of history.

  • Continue to The Square of the Kidnapped and Missing - Visit to The square of the Kidnapped and Missing in front of the Tel Aviv Art Museum. See the powerful art created by various artists, including the Shabbat Table set for 200 missing Israelis, to show support and shine a spotlight on the importance of rescuing the lives of those abducted to Gaza. (Hopefully, by the time of this mission, all of the hostages will have been released and back home with their families.)

  • Shabbat Lunch

  • Meeting with Maoz Inon - Maoz Inon believe at amidst individual and communal challenges, it's crucial to spotlight the transformative power that cross-community partnerships can yield. Maoz personal experience is a true testament to that power. Inon's parents were murdered in their home on October 7 by Hamas terrorists. Amid his grief, the tragic loss and war have not quashed his compassion and hope for peace.

  • Processing conversation

  • Evening and Dinner on your own

  • Isrotel Royal Beach Tel Aviv

Overnight: Isrotel Royal Beach Tel Aviv

8 - Sunday ( November 17 ) : Looking to the Future and Bringing it Home



  • Breakfast at the hotel

  • Visit the studio of i24 News in Jaffa - I24NEWS is an international 24-hour news network bringing unfiltered, unbiased, global news and updates in real time. It broadcasts in French, English, and Arabic. Meet the staff and broadcasters and talk about the challenges and realities of broadcasting news from Israel.

  • Tour Old Jaffa - Explore the enchanting charm of Old Jaffa, where ancient and modern are situated side-by-side and where people of all faiths meet. Jaffa is one of the most ancient port cities in the Mediterranean basin. Visit Jaffa Port, which for centuries was the gateway to the Land of Israel. Today Jaffa is a mixed city, where Jews and Arabs live alongside each other.

  • Time for lunch in the Jaffa Flea Market - Wander through the Yafo Flea Market, a very ‘happening’ area with a classic flea market combined with cafes, restaurants, bars, and cute stores. Enjoy free time and eat lunch in one of the restaurants there (meal not included).

  • Visit the Peres Center for Peace and Innovation - The Peres Center for Peace and Innovation is a leading non-profit and non-governmental organization focused on developing and implementing unique and cutting-edge programs. The center presents the incredible story of Israel, the "innovation nation", and showcases the diverse fields and people behind Israeli innovation.

  • Conversation with Ambassador Ralph King, Australia's Ambassador to Israel

  • Final dinner at Poupee Restaurant - Poupee's chef specializes in haute kosher cuisine, with a vision to combine the world of haute cuisine and bridge the gap between traditional Jewish culture and foodies.

  • Transfer to the airport

Terms of Payment

Deposit is due immediately to secure the booking.

Balance for the trip is due no later than 60 days prior to the first day of trip. An invoice will be sent 90 days before the trip.

Please refer to our full Terms and Conditions here.

Please note: 

  • The itinerary is subject to change as a result of unforeseen changes from suppliers, weather, etc.
  • This proposal is valid for 1 week for private clients and 10 days for groups. 


Cancellation Policy

Bookings can be cancelled within 48 hours AFTER REGISTRATION, with a full refund.

For cancellations made:

·         Up to 60 days prior to departure, any payments above the deposit towards the trip will be refunded. The deposit is non-refundable.

·         60-30 days prior to departure, 50% of the total tour cost per person will be refunded.

·         29-0 days prior to departure, the client will incur 100% of the cost of the tour.

All cancellation requests must be made in writing.


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Early bird special - $200 off per person.

Available only between October 1-10, 2021!!

Registration for the trip will open on October 1. Fill out this form to be notified when registration for the trip opens, so you can take advantage of early bird special pricing!

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